Get Started with Predictive Intelligence
1 Hour

Get Started with Predictive Intelligence

Learn concepts and terms, how to prepare data for Machine Learning models, and how to use Predictive Intelligence to generate predictions for, and discover patterns in, your data with Get Started with Predictive Intelligence.


By completing this Course you will achieve the following:

About this Course

Welcome to this introduction to ServiceNow Predictive Intelligence (PI). In this course, you will learn how to define and execute Machine Learning (ML) models. These models may be used to explain the behavior of, or predict a value for, the target. They also find previously unknown patterns or relationships in data. In addition, you will learn how to prepare input data for effective use with ML models.


Describe key Predictive Intelligence terms and concepts

Identify Predictive Intelligence components and solution

Prepare and use data for Predictive Intelligence

Use AI powered training to create models that improve and/or automate performance/processes